In the first week of November, less then one week after Patrick arrived, we received to our home a new abandoned baby case. We notified by a State Social Welfare Officer and a Police Officer. They came to meet and discuss with Amos at the office, about a situation they were faced with. Less then two months previous, the Police were notified of an abandoned infant. After much investigation there was no parent discovered. They baby was brought to a hospital as he was ill, and nurse said she would care for him for a short time until he could be placed in a motherless babies home. The Social Welfare Officer worked very hard to place him, however, the baby was rejected by more then six orphanages and motherless babies home. All of them noted that he did not appear normal and that they would not take him unless they received extra financial support. The nurse soon said she would not look after the baby anymore, as he was a financial burden and she had to work (and was leaving him alone for many hours at a time anyway). Our name suddenly came up. We were contacted and of course upon hearing the situation, agreed to take the baby. We now have added to our family, a beautiful little boy whom we named Gabriel Favour. He has grown healthy and strong in our home and family. He has started bonding and showing progress and attachment with the amount of love and continued attention by all his new brothers, sisters, and staff. Gabriel does appear to show signs of mental retardation, as well as some serious muscular issues, and he has clubbed feet. However, he has gone from a completely silent or crying baby that doesn’t move, to a laughing, giggling baby, that is starting to grab objects and roll around! We are blessed to have him.